
Hogyan történik a kopogás?
Hogyan keletkezik a kopogás? kopogó, belső égésű motorban éles hangok, amelyeket a hengerben lévő sűrített levegő-üzemanyag keverék egy részének idő e...
Miért ad ki kopogó hangot az autó a hátsó kerékben vezetés közben, de megáll, ha gázt ad vagy fékez??
Mi okozna kopogó zajt a hátsó kerekeken?? A kopogó vagy nyikorgó hangok általában a lengőrúd vagy a gömbcsuklók elvékonyodásának a következményei, min...
Why does your car knock on the left hand side?
What causes a knocking sound when driving? A bad serpentine belt could be a culprit of knocking noises. ... When the belt stretches or goes bad, you'l...
Why is my 2003 ford expedition making a knocking sound when stepping firmly on gas?
When I press the gas I hear a knocking sound? Detonation knock is a knocking noise that you'll hear when the air fuel mixture in the cylinders is deto...
Why is your car knocking on the right side front?
Why is my car knocking on the right side? If you hear a knock or other odd sounds coming from below, the culprit is usually one of three parts of your...
Why is your car knocking when you drive - could there be a problem with the suspension?
Why is my car making a knocking noise when I drive? Detonation knock is a knocking noise that you'll hear when the air fuel mixture in the cylinders i...
Why does my car knocks when you first start it?
Why do I hear knocking when I turn my car on? Ball Joints/Lower Ball Joint - A vehicle's tires and wheels are attached to the suspension system by bal...