
What is the difference between a concept car and a prototype car?
What is the difference between a concept car and a prototype? Also known as a concept car, a prototype is a vehicle made to show off new developments....
Hány koncepcióautó készül évente?
Készülnek-e valaha koncepcióautók?? A koncepcióautók nagy slágerek az autókiállításokon, de a legmerészebb tervek ritkán kerülnek gyártásba. Sokféle f...
Vásárolhat koncepcióautót?
Vásárolhat bármilyen koncepcióautót? Nem, koncepcióautót nem lehet venni. Több okból sem eladók a nagyközönség számára. Először is, a koncepcióautók v...
Why don't they mass produce concept car designs?
Why don't they ever build concept cars? Concept cars never go into production directly. In modern times all would have to undergo many changes before ...
If a car is a concept what does it mean?
Can you own a concept car? So, yes, it is possible to buy a concept car, but unless you're an experienced collector or otherwise well-connected, it is...
Are concept cars any different from regular cars?
Why are concept cars so different? More reasons that they differ from production vehicles are because they don't take into account existing parts on o...